Caring Labour and the Oppression within the Household, 2019
The reality of the household as a sociocultural composition, which is dynamic rather than static, participating in production instead of segregating from public space, and internally inequitable

Edited archival videos of two three-hour performances confronting an individual audience, photographs, lingerie set, edible artificial blood, broken plaster of the testicles, teeth mould, plastic plywood. Mixed Soundtracks:
Red Bird: A Political Prisoner’s Dream by Trevor Wishart                          
Breathing In Birds And Others by Laetitia Sonami                          
Three Dances for Two Prepared Pianos: No. 1
by John Cage                  
Imaginary Landscape No. 1
by John Cage                          
Still And Moving Lines Of Silence In Families Of Hyperbolas: Voice
by Alvin Lucier